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Words and our aims

You think about" words" in your life. What about word, we speak words, we write words,sometimes we ignore words of other's. We don't hear will keen interest the joyful or sorrowful words of other's. We don't pay attention on the carrying words of other's. Sometimes painful words catch our attention,but only to some extent. Sometimes our lovely words catch the attention of other's. Yes this is a good and pious moral. These are words that's save the life's of others peoples.think when a specialist doctor speak lovely words in the form of advices, the related patient feel calm and relex from high desi of pain. Those words of doctor may prove effective remedy for patient. Think again lovely words are batter than many costly chemical and brodspectrum antibiotics. Yes lovely words and sweet sentences sound waves when touch with our ears fabric than our brains stimulate some kinds of chemical that directly mix with our body flowing flood known as our" blood" .Lovely suggestions and with lovely words cure any anguish disorders. Yes our good and bad, famous or naturiosh, nice and pious deeds and acts are entirely under the influence of words.
Pause for a while and think again about and very little child. Who can't speak words and nothing know about surrounding but with the passage of time, when his or her age grow up, he or she learn some basic words, and try to speak some words and learn about surrounding. Yes our language words teache us different skills, different knowledge, different religious practices, different facts and figures. But remember all human beings are equal. No color differences, no race proudly, and no white batter than blacks. Yes all are human beings and all are equal. Harsh words cause battle between tribes and firing words cause wars amongs nations.
Yes here" brainstorming" is must. Think in home our parents speak words with us and as a little baby we learn those words and then our wants, our wishes, our demands outs from our brains. Yes with words our life start and our life ends with words. Yes there are words on religious books those leads us and provide us guide lines about spending our lives. Our prayers consists of words.
Let's see! a culprit hangout with judge words and there his or her life ended. But again think about a doctor who cure the different diseases of patients with medication and this treatment skills, he learn from words, with words and through words.
Think about" Music" and music words, musical instrument sounds. Some wise persons say" a picture is worth than thousands of words" ,you agree or disagree but I shall fully deny because words are base of any picture. If one is watching" porn sex videos" ,xx porn videos" ,"xxx porn videos" ,"xxxx porn and sexy videos" from internet. Pictures and playing videos will show actions, reactions and some joyful sounds but behind of all these are words.


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