"FUNNEY AND LOVELY DIALOGUE" with girlfriend Skip to main content

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In past and very past about thirty years ago when i was young boy.we streetfellow all boys and girls played different  games,such as cricket,gulidunda,amf some others games.we were little kids.Every body loved us.As we know changes are natural process,after some time ,our golden time disappred and school books burdan was on our shoulders.our duties increasef,to home work ,tutions intervala,more so some enforcement from parents'our child become efficent' and able,achieve every thing in future life.
Yes.a burden and results as a 'frastration'.yes to decrease our frastrations ,we created our own environment. I clearly remembet we nominated it with the name'happy.here our vision,our mission was to create a lovely environment,where everybody look happy,and forgrt all worries.we created love affairs with our classfellow girls.(but not sexy affairs,because we all were little kids,and not know about sexy affairs,in those days we think onl husband and wife can enjoy from sex).Each boy choose a girlfriend .yes chances occour when decision were regulated by a fair draw.but it was root parameter.Next was,how we make long term relationship with our girlfriend.It was friday,when we gathered in a school ground with some pockets of sweets.in that session,we all decided to speak special dilogues with our girlfriends.Fortunately all those dialogues were written on papers and still those papers are presents in my home liberary.
Please read some dilagues and enjoy with your girlfriend.these all are certified/testied by expert(by me).Strat now
Oh my nice,lovely,handsome,beautical girlfriend,i can not live without you.you are my heart,you are my first love,and will ne my last love.your hands are so white but your hairs are brown and silky.wah lips,if allow are able for kiss.you walk like pecock . You speak like queel.your compney is my life,your teeths ate so whites.very white better thanMrs.Smithgold.yes i belt bridge of future relationship.but in those days our love ground was pious.yes girls are innocents but not alls.Although my girlfriend was very innocent but in the early, early age.and after passing 10th class.than she was very hot.Every night she tested my courage,my patience,my appitied,yes she chellenge me in every night..But how i succeed,it is als very long story.yes enjoyed our early life, and beard the burdan of all thins as was on our shoulders.Although she is not my wife now.She completed her PhD,in manage studies and teaching now as a scenior professor in a famous university of ,one of eurpion country.She is very happy with her husband and with two male kids.today early in the morning, she ring me,and tell me about my past histary,All about those dialogues.and than i search these papers from my almirah.she toled me she is now not like flowers,and not so white colour,but now is a regular wife,a kind mother,and a responsible teacher.yes sexy dialogues are tale of past.


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