health is wealth


One of my classfellow is now working in Germeny .he is working there at a suitable job position.He is a 'White colar'worker.he also work in other europeans countries.he is a very keen observer.he ,not only observe society for own interest,but for ,have positive thinking,for othets.Because. my friend is very foroff from her,from me,but when new 'communication technology' inter in our society,our way of exchanging information has been was time when i buy a simple key paid mobile set.My communication with my friend ,was at only at voice level,we talk on mobile for short period of time,because all 'mobile balance'soon end,yes in those days mobile calls ratea were high,especially in foregin countries call rates.But now a days,when i buy 'Samsung S6' i install 'immo,and Skype, for live call,a face to face call.we,two friends,discuss on different matter.on different aspects of our society.Because,in school days my friend was interested in girls love,he always disturb girls classfellows,he always request ,for love affairs,sexy affairs and some time only for.kissmiss,he was so found of sex,sometime forcefuly kiss the boobs of anyclassfellow girls,Girls complain to teachers,teachers punished my friend.but all it was for a while,again they mingled with others.
Yester bight we were talking about those days,my friend tell me,his early days in America.he tell me,when he passed his BSc.from lahote collage,his uncle offer him to com in usa and study here.After completing his travel documents,flew for further and next destination.that was usa,When i arrived in usa my uncle welcom me on airport.There i was very very astonish.and so much happy.every body was free.there was much more freedom than our countery.i watch girls with greedy eyes.o h,mine first days.some days i spent on uncle home.My uncle kids were very active and smart.our neighbour were Russion.and that family was consist of parents and three daughters.all three sisyer were very handsome and pretty.elder was near 20 yeara old.i continued to make relationship with her,yes after five days try,there was success,yes i successed.she was with me in a hotel.first of all we exchange our informations with eachothet.i introduced me as a'very hot boy,but she introduced herself as a 'hotgirl'.she describe me about the society of usa.she said.usa girls arevery nice,and are very respectible.every body is well educated and nice.and have complete freedom of choice.every girl can go here and there and has her own will to make sexy relationships with any boy.she can put on any kind of cloths short or long,can enjoy sex with her boyfriend,my friend said,because so long time have been passed.i offered her for enjoying sex.But, she was already ready.she off her short dress.and put besides.than she orderd me,first kissmiss and i completed all acrobate acts.atlast enjoyment start ,i put my erect  penis in her pussy and start driving .In those days my driving time interval was very long.and that was more than one hour long,At every push she said thankyou,very nice,some time she utter,well done.i was much excited.But on other end i was very affaridoff,if. She went as a preggent,she born a live shame,i ashed her.if a young baby. Born after 9month, who will be his or her responsible.She are our neighbour i would tell you letter.but now kiss boobs again and again.In short i completed. Y second trip on that time we two were much excited.
Next day was my University day.with my uncle when we reached in university,there was very enjoyful scenes.after this i increase my friendship and relationship,my first friend was Willim darn smith.who help me to make some 'girlfriends'ans guided me about relationship with nice girls,that,those improve good for 'requests,and offers.with Mr.Smith i joined in usa some sex parties.In further and next 'Skype'call i will well tell you about'Sex parties'in usa.
He says,now he is living in Germen muslims from Syriea `Migratter'are improving much batter for the society of Germen people,oh my' mobile battery'end.  N o w. S t o p in gmy. Mobile


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