health is wealth


When the father of all human being arrived on earth,mightbe they through abird eye viwe here and there to watch,observe and look different dim and shine scenes,might be they counted all related and affaliated changes on hands fingures.nothing purposes to what language they used,what was the style of their counting.Obviously,at begining there was no papers and pencials .but time passed away.very little and small herb of human wisdom grewed into some large flowering plant,might be human population increase,that was the need of age and will of Allah.might be a society developed,in that society needs,wishes and wants of peoples increased and inturn new systems developed by those peoples.
here they need some specials sources for counting,reading and writing.for changing different materials,for measuring earth,.some expert think,it was the"first"of all counting when first man arrieved on earth.But what about papers and pencials.who invented.why invented these all.May be for fullness of/for learning process.first papers were invented.than pencials were created.when technology develop ink,bolt papers rubbios.bondings and much more were dicovered.only for the ease of learning,for completing the thrust of knowledge and new informations.books are the best source of learning,as our history indicates that basic learning started from books.and words on papers are becom a genes code in our genitic system.human generationt
 to generations are learning from books.but last decade brought much change in technology.The invention of computers,with this a new area of digitilization started.progressed in to modern labtops,mobiles set,more so these all connected with internet connection.maybe all media converted on internet,pause for some time and start to count,all business transactions process are now completed on computers,money transfer tooks place in few seconds.whole heap of office work can be completed in few minutes on computers.
Even our kids.our young childerns.our students,all are trying to learn knowledge from internet.always remember internet is the source of informations.and books are source of knowledge+informations.
You will soon forget some words.phrases.sentences as if you learn from internet.but inspite of this.remember when you first day attend you first class in nersery class and your teacher teach you ,1,2,3,4,5-------OR,. A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H.A complete picture of those days are completely fixed in your mind.But instead of this
Now you learn some thing from internet and try to remember that words.phrases,or sentences,may be all ,all of them disappear from you brain screen.for last one month i yried my best to learn from internet one topic."blogger search preference setting" and try to put data in rows and coloumns.but all invains.i printed that data on white paper.after studyiny that i remembet fully,
SO,please save our next generations,they must not avoid frons books


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